Collision Service Investigators - North Carolina
704-216-0081 - EMAIL
North Carolina's BBB Review Leader

Classic Car Value - Diminished Value - Divorce Dispute - SSI Spend Down -Total Loss Value (ACV)
NC Vehicle Indemnity / Title Bond
Appeal Your Vehicle County Property Tax
All 100 North Carolina county tax offices recognize diminished value for both first and third party claimants. Value adjustments may be necessary if the owner can document:​
high mileage
significant body or frame damage
excessively worn interior
other damage that may significantly reduce the retail value.
Normal wear and tear will not be considered.
Documentation that will be considered for a vehicle value appeal
A copy of the bill of sale documenting the purchase price from a local dealer
A written appraisal performed by a dealer (see note below) that clearly states the appraisal reflects the retail value as of the January 1 of the year in which the taxes are due
For vehicles less than eight years old, documentation of high mileage from an annual inspection, oil change or other invoice
Repair estimates for vehicles that have been significantly damaged
Note: You do not need an appraisal from a dealer; also many dealers will not do an appraisal in fear of being dragged into court. If a dealer does appraise, they will scribble down a number and hand it to you, CSI-NC explain why the value of the vehicle is much less. Proof here>>>
Documentation that will not be considered for a vehicle value appeal
Wholesale or blue book values pulled from any internet valuation website, magazine or catalog
A trade-in or wholesale value appraisal from a dealer
Written offers from a dealer to purchase your vehicle
A bill of sale from a private seller
Appeal Deadline:
Licensed vehicle value appeals and all supporting documentation must be postmarked within 30 days of the due date printed on the notice.​
Link to all 100 North Carolina tax here